Breaking barriers and supporting Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder in their transition to Employment

The Project

TransitAction is an Erasmus + funded project with the aim to provide Young Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (YAASD), Transition Coaches (TC) and other actors in their lives, new skills and innovative tools to support YAASD in the difficult transition from school or inactivity to employment.

Project’s partners during the online Kick-off Meeting in October 2020


Statistics show that Young Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders face greater difficulties than their peers in the transition to employment. Not only do they have more difficulty finding a job but, more generally, this phase represents a moment of particular risk for them, characterized by increased isolation, heightened symptoms (especially for mental health issues), depression, higher suicidal risk, etc. At the same time this transition is a particularly difficult phase to support for Transition Coaches who often do not have the necessary skills. For Companies, hardly opening the door to the inclusion of YAASD. For families and the community in general, facing a complex change in their role and task that they often fail to manage.


Main Objective:

  • Enhanced support to YAASD in their transition to Employment

Strategic Objectives/Results:

  • Transition Coaches have more effective skills and tools to support YAASD in their transition;
  • YAASD have more tools to deal with the transition and are actively involved in this process;
  • Companies are more open to employ YAASD and the co-workers are more prepared to integrate them;
  • Families, volunteers’ associations and the community in general are better prepared for the transition and capable of managing in a positive manner the change that it entails for their role.

Online Platform

An Online Platform will be designed and implemented to collect and disseminate the research outcomes and to develop innovative methodologies to use. It will offer interactive and inspiring contents through sharing good practices, tools, e-Learning modules and experiences that will function as a guide for TC, YAASD and other stakeholders.

Expected results

The methodology will be participatory, inclusive and horizontal, based on the cooperation of a plurality of key-actors. 

Transition Coaches (TC):

  • More effective skills and tools that TC will have for a real change in the Labour Market;
  • TC can offer long term coaching at the workplace;
  • TC will have better knowledge of the combination of work income/social benefits, relevant legislation that can help integration on the labour market and maintain employment;

Young Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder YAASD:

  • More tools to deal with the transition to Employment and to adapt and overcome all the challenges involved in the transition (as regards their persons of reference, their peer group, in everyday life, etc.);
  • Deeper knowledge of the labour market and adequate skills to face this transition;

Companies & Employers:

  • Companies will be more open to employ YAASD;
  • More prepared staff to interact with YAASD and open to integrate them into their work group;
  • More flexible approach and blended solutions in hiring.

Families & Other stakeholders:

  • Families, volunteers’ associations and the community in general are better prepared for the transition and capable to manage in a positive manner the change that it entails for their role.

Expected impacts and long-term benefit

The Online Platform, through its translation software, will be available in multiple languages. The Training Modules will be available on the Platform in 5 languages (English, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Slovenian). Dissemination events of the project results will be held in Greece, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, Ireland. This way, both I.O. will be known at European level and could be used internationally, leading to a real improvement in the support to YAASD transition.

In the long term, the project will generate, among other things:

  • Enhanced YAASD labor inclusion;
  • Stronger financial independence of YAASD;
  • Enhanced social role and inclusion YAASD in the community;
  • Decreased economic / social cost of YAASD support;
  • Better quality of life of YAASD and their families.


epr logo

EPR - EPR is a community of service providers working
with people  with disabilities committed to high
quality service delivery.  EPR  analyses effectiveness
in service provision; improves  quality of services
and quality of life for clients, as well as positively
impacting their daily work experience.

Autimatic logo

Autimatic - Autimatic aims to maximise employment of people
on the autism spectrum through teleworking.

uri logo

URI Center for vocational rehabilitation works
within University rehabilitation Institute Republic of Slovenia and
carries  out team-based planning, performance and
assessment of programs of vocational and employment
rehabilitation as an integral part of comprehensive
rehabilitation.  Vocational rehabilitation center's professional work covers
the areas of healthcare,  employment and pension and
disability insurance  and legislation.

gtb logo

GTB - T he Specialised Mediation Team – helps people in
vulnerable situations
, especially people with a
disability or health problems, to find work and
stay in work
. By achieving this goal, we support
employers and the networks around our clients.

fd logo

Futuro Digitale - Futuro Digitale promotes digital
culture, European citizenship and social projects
to reduce the digital divide, promote
inclusion and solidarity among people.

logo thotokos

"THEOTOKOS" Foundation is a non-profit welfare organization
(private law entity)  operating since 1963. Special education and therapy
services are provided  to preschool children aged 2,5 - 5 years
(early intervention) and to teenagers aged 14 - 20   years with
developmental delays, developmental intellectual  disorders and autism
spectrum disorders. Vocational training and
rehabilitation are provided to young adults aged 20 – 35 years.
Family environments are supported and intervention is
implemented when necessary. 

rehab logo

The Rehab Group  is a charity that provides services for over
20,000 adults and children, and champions the  value of diversity
and inclusion for people with disabilities or  disadvantage in
their communities throughout Ireland and the UK.