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This brochure contains information about find, get and keep work, to make you well prepared for your journey to work!

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Sensonate is the digital platform where you can find experiences, knowledge and tools in the field of stimulus processing in people with autism and intellectual disabilities. Many people with autism and intellectual disabilities suffer from stimuli on a daily basis. By better understanding how people with autism and intellectual disabilities experience stimuli, they can experience the sensation of a good life. Are you hypersensitive? Learn what you can do about it!

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Look for tips to compensate for difficulties at AutismeTV!

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Follow a course: You get a first acquaintance with autism and you learn how to deal with it in function of work!

In Belgium there is a diverse range of support, facilities, services and financial allowances for people with autism. For this you have to approach various authorities and certain conditions and procedures apply. Not always easy to find your way around. This Practical Guide can help you in your search: website.

Prepare yourself for the first day at the workfloor by reading the suggestions on the website Participate.

How can you talk about your ASD-needs? Read more about it in this personal stories of people with autism.

How to keep my job? Here are some tips that can help

  • Practice 'energy management' such as:
    • Take a day off regularly
    • Do not work full days (35% of workers indicate that this is necessary, 17% actually realize it)
    • Make sure you don't work too much overtime
    • Check email only twice a day at set times and not continuously
    • Avoid situations that consume a lot of energy (such as consultation, drinking coffee)
    • Use mindfulness techniques: these apps can be helpful: Paced breathing, Kardia, etc
    • Read this website with tips how you can reduce stress:
    • Take a little walk during the day
    • Make a tensionplan and check the signs you wrote in it: which signs of tension do you notice in yourself, which actions can you take to calm down again or speak to someone who can help you with this?
    • If things are going bad in your private life, see if it is necessary to work less (temporarily).
  • Structure your work: use instruction sheets, checklists, labels, notebooks to keep track of work and meet deadlines
    • Evernote: Evernote is a handy tool for saving notes, but you can also use it to create diagrams, save photos, and share. For example, you can centralize information about your workplace, job interview, additional information about scenarios. All of these things can help the person (with autism) gain clarity and predictability.
    • Google drive and agenda: daily structure – to-do lists
    • Outlook Task List
    • Use the app Time Timer: to make visual how much time you want to spend on a task